6 Ways Illegal Immigration Hurts Black Americans
Illegal immigration is a complex issue that has sparked heated debates across the United States. Within these passionate debates, many dismiss the significant negative impacts this issue places on the economic, social, and political well-being of nearly 40 million Black Americans. Many argue that illegal immigrants take jobs, depress wages, and strain social services that would otherwise go to Black Americans. Democratic open border policies have invited more than 10 million undocumented people into America, according to the Department of Homeland Security. Republican policies want to deport these non-citizens and build a wall to keep them out of our country. As we approach the 2024 Presidential election, America must face this fundamental question: How does illegal immigration affect nearly 40 million Black Americans?
One of the most significant ways illegal immigration harms Black Americans is by taking their jobs. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, between 2000 and 2014, all of the net job growth in the U.S. went to immigrants, legal and illegal. In that same period, the number of working-age native-born Americans not in the labor force grew by 17 million. The competition for jobs is fierce, and with the influx of illegal immigrants, Black Americans are finding it increasingly difficult to secure employment. According to a 2010 report from the Pew Research Center, the unemployment rate for African Americans was 16.5%, compared to 8.7% for Hispanics and 7.5% for whites.
Illegal immigration suppresses wages. According to a report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, illegal immigration led to a 3-4% decline in wages for low-skilled workers, which disproportionately affects Black Americans. This decline in wages may be due to employers preferring to hire illegal immigrants over Black Americans, as they can pay them lower wages and offer fewer benefits. This wage suppression makes it harder for Black Americans to support their families and to achieve upward mobility.
Illegal immigration harms Black Americans through its impact on social services. Illegal immigrants are not eligible for many government-funded social services, but their children are entitled to public education, emergency medical care, and other services. The cost of providing these services to illegal immigrants is paid by taxpayers, including Black Americans. According to a report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, illegal immigrants cost the U.S. taxpayer $116 billion annually. This cost includes education, healthcare, law enforcement, and welfare programs. This burden on taxpayers makes it harder to fund programs that benefit Black Americans specifically, such as reparations and other initiatives aimed at closing the wealth and income gap.
Illegal immigration is harmful to Black Americans because it undermines the rule of law. Illegal immigrants have entered the country illegally, which means they have broken the law. By allowing illegal immigrants to stay in the U.S., the government is sending a message that breaking the law is acceptable. This message undermines the rule of law, which is a fundamental tenet of American society. The rule of law protects everyone, including Black Americans, and by allowing illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S., the government is eroding this protection.
Illegal immigration can contribute to crime rates, which disproportionately affects Black Americans. While not all illegal immigrants are criminals, some do engage in criminal activity. According to a report from the Department of Justice, in 2018, non-citizens accounted for 64% of all federal arrests. In that same year, non-citizens accounted for 24% of all drug arrests, 25% of all property crime arrests, and 28% of all fraud arrests. This data suggests that illegal immigrants are more likely to engage in criminal activity than American citizens. When these crimes occur, they can harm Black Americans who may be more likely to live in areas with higher crime rates.
Illegal immigration can exacerbate the housing crisis, which disproportionately affects Black Americans. With the influx of illegal immigrants, demand for housing increases, which drives up housing prices. According to a report from the National Association of Home Builders, there is a shortage of 5.5 million homes in the U.S. This shortage has driven up home prices, making it harder for Black Americans to afford a home.
America is a melting pot of diverse people from an assortment of backgrounds. America is a place of opportunity and promise, however that access to prosperity should only be afforded to those that respect the legal pathway to citizenship. Because Black Americans built America from the first brick of its very foundations, our government should not allow illegal immigration to deprive Black Americans of needed economic resources. Equally important, the price of American citizenship shouldn’t be grossly devalued by keeping our borders open.
I’m not telling you how to vote in the 2024 election cycle, but I will tell you that closing our borders will make our nation a better place for all, especially Black Americans. God bless you.
Rev. Damien Jones is a Christian minister, conservative thought leader, and media personality. To book Rev. Jones as your keynote speaker, click here.